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One show. Two ways to explore.

Shadowdock is designed to be an immersive experience that invites you to embark on a journey of discovery, with a spectacle of light, colour and sound.  We know that every individual will experience this in a different way and we want to help you decide which experience is the right one for you.


  • We have created two ways to enjoy Shadowdock, Above and Below Deck (read more and buy tickets here)

  • Both experiences will take 30 minutes.

  • ​If you are attending Below Deck you will need to be onsite at 7:15pm for a safety briefing at 7:30pm. 

  • The show begins at 8pm meaning the event takes place outside at dusk. Please consider the low light and unpredictable weather. The event will go ahead in wet weather unless deemed extreme.


We've listed below things to consider for each experience to help you decide which journey to choose on the night. If you've any more questions, the team are happy to help, just drop us an email here.



Peer over the edge & enjoy uninterrupted views of the spectacle below. Prepare to be mesmerised by the story of where Belfast began. Enjoy watching the explorers below navigate their way through the light show within the dock, alongside the enchanting soundtrack by Katie Richardson and narration by Three's Theatre Company echoing throughout the magnificent structure on speakers.


Suitable for all ages and accessibilities.

Tickets cost £5

Under 5's go FREE


  • This experience will view the historic dock from above. You will be kept back and safe by a railing. The railing is aprox 1.2 metres in height and may restrict the view of shorter audience members, children or wheelchair users, though you will be able to see most of the show. You must not climb on the railing at any time.

  • This experience will have a soundtrack playing from speakers and you will look down into the Dock to see the space transformed by light. 

  • The floor is uneven throughout and may be damp in wet weather. 

  • The ground surrounding the dock is irregular and uneven. The majority of the ground is gravel which may be unsuitable for some wheelchairs. 

  • The landscape is historic and contains some ridges and tripping hazards - sections of wood, old metal tracks. Please consider this before booking.  

  • This experience uses flashing lights and may trigger epilepsy or similar conditions or simply feel overwhelming to some. 

  • One show will have a British Sign Language interpreter. We will ahre the date of this show on our social media channels. Stay up to date here. We will make sure an area reserved with clear sightlines of the interpreter. Please let us know if you will use this service when you book your ticket. 

  • We will have an Accessible Area with its own entrance. There will be Accessible Parking nearby. These spaces are as close possible to the Dock and are reserved for people who need them. Please make us aware if you will be using the parking. 

  • There is a slight slope from the accessible parking to the level of the viewing area. We will add ramps to make it suitable for most wheelchairs and those with conditions that affect their mobility.  

  • We will have folding chairs available in the Accessibility Area, if you would like to use one of these please make us aware of this when you book your ticket. 



For the more adventurous, venture 40 feet below sea level* where you'll be plunged into a world of light and sound using headphones to create a fully immersive audio-visual experience. A narrator will guide you to explore the stories of these walls where within Belfast began and you can interact with the lights from amidst the depths of the dock.


Suitable for ages 16 and over.

Tickets cost £10

​*This area is only accessible via 66 steep steps



  • The Thompson Dock is 40 feet ‘below sealevel’. Keep this in mind if you have vertigo or another condition that affects your balance.

  • You must arrive by 7:15pm for a safety briefing at 7:30pm.

  • The dock floor is accessible only by 66 steep metal steps. You will have to use these to enter and leave independently. There are hand railings but these may be slippy in wet weather. 

  • To enter the dock you MUST be able to make your way in and out independently. 

  • Front of House will be able to refuse entry to anyone they feel may not be safe within the space.

  • You must wear sensible and appropriate clothing and shoes to enter,. You can not wear things such as pumps, heels or long skirts or anything that may pose a trip hazard. 

  • When you are at the bottom of the dock you will sometimes be in darkness, the event takes place after sunset and the lights change throughout the performance.  

  • The floor is uneven throughout and may be damp in wet weather. 

  • You will wear headphones throughout this experience, listening to the story and interacting at parts with the space. 

  • You will be close to the lights at some points. This may trigger epilepsy or similar conditions or simply feel overwhelming to some people.

An image of the staircase into the Thompson Dock

The steps you will be required to walk down to attend the Below Deck experience

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